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“Evolving in a world in constant motion, today’s home becomes a refuge where each person must find well-being and serenity.
My job is to try to help each of us through an atmosphere, to explore new sensations, new horizons.“


Since 20 years on St Barthélemy,
my work has covered many hotels, villas and restaurants.
My office is made up of people
with various skills (architecture, colorist, graphic designer) always anxious to make your universe personalized.


Phone SBH : (+59) 0690 63 03 42
Phone Office : (+59) 0590 52 07 01
Phone FR: (+33) 06 22 91 38 39

B.P. 137
97095 St Barthélemy Cedex
French West Indies

Concepts & Projects

In a concern to imagine your future, our team will be there to help you project your projects.


The demands of the customers make us exceed our limits or only the imagination prevails.

Design House

Only your pleasure counts, the essential thing being to magnify your desires in order to sublimate your interior.

Wooden House

The love of wood and its virtues are the ineluctable ingredients of these villas with atmospheres truly apart.

Green Project

This beginning of the 21st century forces us to find solutions to the imperatives of this suffering world. More than a philosophy, it is a way of life to face the future that we must find. In our field, recycled furniture and recycled objects meet this demand.
Plus qu’une philosophie c’est un art de vivre pour affronter l’avenir que nous devons trouver.
Dans notre domaine, le mobilier et les objets recyclés y répondent totalement.

Creation, Accessories & Decoration
& Décoration

Convinced that the success goes through the details, we will create refined objects and custom furniture, made by our selected craftsmen.